Here are the rules:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you 5 questions of a very personal nature.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them 5 questions.
My Questions, courtesy of Jesse Parent:
1. You're only allowed to do one of these. Pick one and explain why: 1) Act in a play 2) improvise 3) work on a novel.
The sad this is, I could be trying to do all three. If I had the time and financial support, I would work on any four novels I've had in the oven for months. The Memoir, the Fairy Tale, the Thriller and the Graphic Novel, not to mention the Fable. I've been doing nothing, NOTHING of creative note beyond making the apartment look cute, and it ires me. *sigh* way to bring me down, Jess, way to ruin the weekend...
2. If you were going to have twins, would you want 2 boys, 2 girls, or 1 of each?
Damn...I'd like to say one of each, but I've been waiting for daughters for so, so long. On the other hand, two boys would be hilarious in comedic stylings...and one each would mean they could solve crime...
3. If you had to live in any other city, besides Chicago, where would it be and why?
I've considered that for a while, actually, and I'd love to live in Portland, Oregon. It's a nice easy drive down to Salt Lake City, which would be a welcome change from never coming home to visit; it's green and lush and publishing-friendly, improv-ful and a lovely place to live.
4. If you traveled back in time and had to babysit yourself at 9 years old, what do you think would be the most challenging?
I actually have no idea how i was at 9, since I can't remember that time in my life...and apparently neither can anyone else in the family. I assume the most difficult thing would be finding a way to entertain 3 girls including a future med-school-rockstar and string-theory-nerd. We were troublesome, I've heard.
5. Describe your ideal job. Not like "empress of the world", but a real job.
writing, obviously.
In the short term? Working as an editor for a solid publishing company, and having enough money and time to volunteer as much as I'd like. In theory, I'd like to work as a counceler or animal-rights-type, but I would cry far FAR too much and take everything very personally...