Monday, September 22, 2008

Did you know I'm obsessive?

Roomie and I have been talking more lately, and I'm enjoying it lots.

But I have to admit, I have no circle of girlfriends, no 'girlz, let's go to the bar and club and do karaoke! Huwwhhah! Squealandsuch!' sort of circle, and it drives me a little bit crazy.

So ladies who read this blog?

I'm starting a poker night. I am. We can drink girly things and I'll kick Boyf out onto the sidewalk and we can talk about how FUN it is to have our cycles line up. Ok?

I'm not good at this socializing thing. THROW ME A BONE! A LADYBONE!!!!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD(DESS) PLEASE!


Kendragon said...

So boo that i can't join, first off.

Secondly, how could you use the picture with my eyes closed when there's a perfectly good flick off the world pic from that very night? Tsk tsk.

Oh, and I love it too. The increased talking that is. I miss you like whoa lady. Like whoa.

J said...

Did you just quote thong song, you monster?

did I just CATCH you quoting thong song?

god, no wonder I have no friends.

Kendragon said...

No no. That wasn't quoting that. That was just me being street. Wicked street.

But if you would like...

She had dumps like a truck, truck truck
Thighs like WHAT (see, what...not whoa!) what what
Baby move you butt, butt butt
I think i'll sing it again.

And THAT is why you love me. Snap.