Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Waiting Game

Friver is expecting his 2nd son (3rd child) any day now. He's incredibly stressed, as one can well imagine-- not only prepping for the emergence of a screaming, demanding, wholly amoral parasite, (aww), but setting up for the birth itself at home, and working overmuch to get ahead before he loses the abily to sleep an entire night.

Boyf has been out of town for 9 days, and it turns out I HATE having Boyf out of town for 9 days. He comes back tomorrow night, and then we spend the next week packing, moving, getting stuff and setting up a home together. I'm thrilled to be doing so, I'm so so damn excited to live together and have things together and have romantic dinners sometimes at a real dining table and all these wonderful things that form a montage of awesome in my mind... although all I want right now is the ability to meet him at home and watch silly tv together.

For Friver and me, it's time to hurry up and wait, get everything as prepped as possible and pray we didn't forget anything crucial. God damn, I hate the waiting game.

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