Wednesday, August 27, 2008

So I quit my job on friday. Then I got a new job offer on Moday. Suck on that, Everyone. Or more specifically...everyone lacking job skills and the ability to ever once in their life have a non theater-related job but somehow squeezes out a pittance-based, pitiful existance and finds pleasure only in the ultimately futile attempts to rise above mediocrity YEAAAAAAAAAAAAH, you know who you are, bitches.

I'm already enjoying my first 2 days here more than i did at the candy factory, and I think they just may keep me. It's a receptionist position, so my job entails preping conference rooms, answering the phone, scheduling meetings, and generally saying 'yes sir, when sir, of course sir, my you look handsome sir, good joke sir'. I can do that. Oh goodness can I ever.

I also have free time to email many, many people, visit websites, and post blogs. In fact, if you see my site looking slight different, reader-san, that's because i work for a design firm and god damn it, my personal blog better reflect the commitment I've made to this place. After two days. As a temp-to-hire. I have great, great passion.

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