Saturday, October 18, 2008


My stepdad, shown here in nerdly professor headshot, got in a biking accident this week. He hit his head, so he doesn't quite remember what happened, but his shoulder, ribs, pelvis and kevlar helmet are all broken. Damn. He had surgery today, Mom's been spending nights at the hospital.

I can only imagine how scary this would be as a wife; it's pretty unsettling from 5 states away. Spraining my ankle was an ordeal, mind you, and I've never broken a bone in my body.*

Mom won't let me fly out and David can probably find helpful, numbing drugs on his own, so I'm doing the only thing I can. Signing up for a month of unlimited bikram yoga classes and attempting to get at LEAST as athletic and bad-ass as David.

*yes, I'm aware that's a stupidly fate-challenging thing to say. I'll be wary.

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