Thursday, August 7, 2008


One of the best perks of having a dog is getting (or giving yourself, I suppose) permission to act like a goofy kid. When i'm with my Corms, I don't feel silly, jumping up and down, running in circles, arriving at home after work with my baby whining to see me and being equally excited to give each other kisses.

I've been giving th' pup extra attention this week, due in part as a reaction to Dana's passing. No stranger to grief, I can only imagine how Glynn is feeling, losing his his credit, he's handling it like a champ. ((When Sapphire died, I was an absolute wreck; my mom actually flew out to Cali to tell Ash. To her death, Ashley still couldn't discuss the matter without sobbing))

So Pad and I gave Cormac a lecture and now he is NOT allowed to die until he's at LEAST as old as Dana (18). Oh, and Dante is grandfathered into a 2-decade agreement.

This morning Cormac and Dante woke me up early, because they were starving and thirsting to death and also needed treats and ice cubes and tummy scratches and also ear scratches and also to bat at the curtain while I showered and sit on my feet while I ate breakfast and also take a walk to pee and be scared of a plastic bag on the sidewalk and then mew at me until I lifted them up onto the counter so they wouldn't have to jump all three feet to get to the food bowl. POOR DARLINGS.


Kendragon said...

I so have the picture that came after this one up in my cube. Cause it makes me smile. And I'm super proud of my pet nephews. Awww don't cover their shit.

stephanie said...

My cat likes to sit on the edge of the tub while I take a shower, in between the curtain and the liner, and mew at me.

Then he licks the wall of the shower after I get out.