Whilst filling my prescription at Walgreens, Boyf and I perused the rows Halloween goods and costumes and tested all the noise-making figurines and displays for the season, because we are both very mature adults. Boyf pointed out which clowns on the makeup packaging were probably assholes in real life, and I bought two DVDs with old-timey spooky movies and cartoon reels.
So far we've watched about 75% of Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street Starring Tod Slaughter (I feel that borders on typecasting, which is WRONG), a cult actor known for performing as the villian in victorian melodramas; the british Bela Lugosi, y'might say. He wrings his hands, cackles, and chews scenery like no other, my friends.
It helps, of course, that in this version of the story, Sweeney isn't sympathetic. He's just a barber that kills people for money and fun. Mrs.Lovett helps him clean up and splits the profits. Sweeney lends money to the fleet owner, then uses this leverage to try and force the fleet owner's daughter, Joanna, to marry him.
He's kind of a dick.
*gasp* check out how much I rule! I found it online, to watch, right-now-ish! Enjoy!
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