Me: So you can tell when i'm not taking my meds?
Boyf: Yup.
Me: Is it because I talk really really fast and continue to change topics and can't focus like this?
Boyf: Yes, baby.
Me: Huh. Let's go to Walgreens and get my meds because I haven't been taking them for a few days and i want to get those motherfuckers before I go crazy...Uh, crazier.
Boyf: *kiss* Kay.
I'm watching a show on the Vril Society. Bob the Vril-Master is being profiled. Vril-types apparently fueled all that Hitler noise in the 30's.
Holy shit, now there's a special on 'Scandals of the Ancient Worlds: Egypt'
People, as a race, are pretty damn hilarious.
Dude! Totally watched the scandals thing last night! It's like we still live together...
Oh and totally get on that. And give me a call.
are you trying to kill me with that pic?
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