Let's see...
Buy litterbox, watering fountain, baggies for the pets
unpack all bags, boxes, and hollow objects used to transport stuff
put bike in downstairs storage
receive deliver of TV stand and dresser drawers
assemble stand, dresser, and living room lamp
unpack new appliances, dishes, sheets, blankets, towels and pictures
hang shower curtain with liner
paint dining room, living room (and hall), bedroom 1 and 2, kitchen walls and bathroom tiles
laundry: wash, dry, fold, put away
connect cable
connect stove to gas line
stock up on groceries
move pet food to Tupperware, place cat food in location out of reach of dog.
paint window trim on rooms
sew and hang curtains
buy desk, dining table and chairs
set up wireless Internet
send baby blanket
take care of dog and cat
take pills
hang pictures
write story treatment for publisher
rehearsal and filming of web-com pilot
save up money for pad's xmas gift, which will be pretty schweet
get deposit from old apartment, buy xmas gifts THEN instead of in December when I'm freezing and less rich
change address at post office, bank, netflix, etc.
So...no. No, casual acquaintance; Despite how many emails you mass-mail me, I do not want to watch you crappy improv show.