Friday, January 4, 2008

Yeah, I Eat Dairy, Baby



My boss is out of the office today, and left me a few things to work on. I should be done before 5, and I may leave early to make sure UPS gives me my NEW TV today. NEW!!! TV!!!!!!! aherm. The problem is, it seems like the amount of work she gave me could be easily done, like, this morning if I powered through. I'm not going to, since I'm tired and don't want to rush....but I'm also hoping that SHE thinks that I work FAST, and also that she gave me ever so much work and will be impressed when i finish it alllllll today.

Ok. running out for a few minutes to send in the rebate on my new phone (it's so cute, you would not believe). One day I will write on the matter of rebates, but it would just get me all riled up and furious, so I'll save it for a non-friday.

MMM. Whipped cream.


WarTwin said...

Nice picture!

You must be trying to ramp up an ex, or working on a new boy.

Which is it? Dish, girl!

Also, happy new year!

Jesse said...

That TV better be installed and working by the time I arrive!

Kendragon said...

I'm jealous that Jesse gets to watch the new tv before me. WE should be making new tv memories to go with the old.

Sigh. I miss you.

And P.S., why no writing on my blog? Hmm? No comments for the Kendragon.

(under her breath) jerk!

I...I mean...jerk.

LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!