"Dante. DANTE. Baby, look at the camera. Baby, c'mon. Look over here, cute fuzzy thing!"
"No. Never. Stop ruining my life, MOM."
"Dante, looooook over here baaaaby."
"Ugh. You wish. I have eyeliner to apply. *turns up My Chemical Romance*"
"Dante, honey..."
"You don't underSTAND me! GAWD!"
"Dante, you turn around or I will post a picture of your pert little butt, on the internet, for everyone ever to see. Everyone."
"I hate you, mom! I'm changing my name to Cinder and piercing my nipples, and there's nothing you can do about it!"
"That's the most sensible thing you've said all day. Get a tattoo, too, I have a tab over at the studio. My treat. Now turn around and pose for this picture!"
I warned him. Enjoy the picture. Feel free to tease him about it, too.
Blecch! It's like gazing into the pink eye of Sauron.
The feds are gonna crucify you for posting this.
well, at least his butt-hole is clean...
Yes, his butt is clean, jeeze. I'm a good mother, MARK.
And Jess, if this is what I go down for, I'll fall proud and glad.
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