Thursday, January 24, 2008

This Weekend

Last Friday, Pad and I went to Cloverfield, came home, slept in, and moved gradually to the couch. It was about 5 degrees outside, not including windchill, so even the usually-overheated apartment was chilly. Pad woke up before me and moved the cushions to effectively turn the couch into a lounger. I brought in the comforter and settled in. The only reason to go outside was the puppy. Damn you, The Puppy.

Me: You want to do me a big favor?
Pad: Sit here while you walk the dog? it's a deal.
Me: *sigh*(make no effort to move)

--minutes later--

Me: Want to get breakfast at Arnolds later?
Pad: How about you go walk the dog, and I'll go pick up food...and by 'pick up food' I mean sit here and be warm.
Me: I hate you. I hate you forever.

After walking the puppy, we started watching The Godfather, with Pad explaining the complex introduction of characters, pointing out superyoung actors, and bringing up general cinematic trivia.


Zombie Spiderman said...

He seems like a really caring individual. Good for you!

Jesse said...

Wait... who took this picture??

Is this what you will show your kids to convince them that you both were once vibrant and youthful?