Saturday, August 30, 2008


I've never really wondered if a Postsecret card was directed at me. This is the closest any of them have come. Spoooooooooky.

Friday, August 29, 2008


My first art purchase for the new apartment.

thank you, The Awesome

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

So I quit my job on friday. Then I got a new job offer on Moday. Suck on that, Everyone. Or more specifically...everyone lacking job skills and the ability to ever once in their life have a non theater-related job but somehow squeezes out a pittance-based, pitiful existance and finds pleasure only in the ultimately futile attempts to rise above mediocrity YEAAAAAAAAAAAAH, you know who you are, bitches.

I'm already enjoying my first 2 days here more than i did at the candy factory, and I think they just may keep me. It's a receptionist position, so my job entails preping conference rooms, answering the phone, scheduling meetings, and generally saying 'yes sir, when sir, of course sir, my you look handsome sir, good joke sir'. I can do that. Oh goodness can I ever.

I also have free time to email many, many people, visit websites, and post blogs. In fact, if you see my site looking slight different, reader-san, that's because i work for a design firm and god damn it, my personal blog better reflect the commitment I've made to this place. After two days. As a temp-to-hire. I have great, great passion.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Waiting Game

Friver is expecting his 2nd son (3rd child) any day now. He's incredibly stressed, as one can well imagine-- not only prepping for the emergence of a screaming, demanding, wholly amoral parasite, (aww), but setting up for the birth itself at home, and working overmuch to get ahead before he loses the abily to sleep an entire night.

Boyf has been out of town for 9 days, and it turns out I HATE having Boyf out of town for 9 days. He comes back tomorrow night, and then we spend the next week packing, moving, getting stuff and setting up a home together. I'm thrilled to be doing so, I'm so so damn excited to live together and have things together and have romantic dinners sometimes at a real dining table and all these wonderful things that form a montage of awesome in my mind... although all I want right now is the ability to meet him at home and watch silly tv together.

For Friver and me, it's time to hurry up and wait, get everything as prepped as possible and pray we didn't forget anything crucial. God damn, I hate the waiting game.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


My teeth are nearly 50% false in front, since I had horrible, horrible teeth as a child, and my doctor in Utah is a miracle worker. I went from my braces getting removed to Dr.L, who worked tirelessly to give me an entirely different mouth. it was incredible. I got ten times hotter that very day (grinch-ed!).

This morning, however, one of the front teeth lost a side--don't ask me how it came loose--and now I look like a hillbilly.

I'm actually looking forward to go to the dentist. They're still the doctors who I think do the best consistant job, don't screw up and let people die, and frankly know eating disorders a lot quicker than the squibs in the ER triage room.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

When I don't have anything interesting to do, i doodle.

I will miss nothing about this job except the access to fun office supplies, and all the pens I took home with me.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Rise and Shine

Yesterday, I got a stern email from my boss on the matter of arriving 6 minutes late (3 by my clock) and not even making a formal apology. *sigh* She doesn't like my slutty pedal pushers either.

Still, I went to bed fairly early snd shook myself out of bed at 6 am, stumbling in the dark to get dressed and walk the dog.

Aside---This, by the way, is my 5th day of No Electricity, because my landlord can't be bothered to send an electrician. If it's not fixed today, I'll hire someone myself and bill the managment company. Furthermore, I am so damn pleased to be moving.

oh, also??? Pad and I got the apartment we wanted, a sweet 2-bedroom with living room, dining room, kitchen and walk-in pantry. The master bedroom is sunny and the laundry is just down the back stairwell, Dante will be mewling at birds from our 3rd story windows and Cormac will play fetch with me out on the lawn. The small bedroom is to be the computer-game-and-sewing room...when either Pad or I want to get our Nerdhobby on. ---/Aside

I don't think the Starbucks lady could have acted more disgusted when I ordered my 5-shot venti mocha this morning, but then again, she doesn't sit in an overwarm, silent office all day. Considering my tolerance to drugs, we should all be thankful caffine still gets me pumped enough without mixing in half a bottle of trucker pills.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Pack it UP

I'm just contemplating how much stuff I have to clean, pack, and move. Once I get the approval on my apartment and sign the new lease. Sign the new lease with my boyf. And then he's out of town for a week or so while I get ready to haul this stuff to new digs. with my boyf.

I am Jady's brain, thrilled and terrified.

I am become headache.

Friday, August 8, 2008


Gave myself a lil haircut before moving and cleaning EAT MY BRAIN.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


One of the best perks of having a dog is getting (or giving yourself, I suppose) permission to act like a goofy kid. When i'm with my Corms, I don't feel silly, jumping up and down, running in circles, arriving at home after work with my baby whining to see me and being equally excited to give each other kisses.

I've been giving th' pup extra attention this week, due in part as a reaction to Dana's passing. No stranger to grief, I can only imagine how Glynn is feeling, losing his his credit, he's handling it like a champ. ((When Sapphire died, I was an absolute wreck; my mom actually flew out to Cali to tell Ash. To her death, Ashley still couldn't discuss the matter without sobbing))

So Pad and I gave Cormac a lecture and now he is NOT allowed to die until he's at LEAST as old as Dana (18). Oh, and Dante is grandfathered into a 2-decade agreement.

This morning Cormac and Dante woke me up early, because they were starving and thirsting to death and also needed treats and ice cubes and tummy scratches and also ear scratches and also to bat at the curtain while I showered and sit on my feet while I ate breakfast and also take a walk to pee and be scared of a plastic bag on the sidewalk and then mew at me until I lifted them up onto the counter so they wouldn't have to jump all three feet to get to the food bowl. POOR DARLINGS.