Yesterday, I got a stern email from my boss on the matter of arriving 6 minutes late (3 by my clock) and not even making a formal apology. *sigh* She doesn't like my slutty pedal pushers either.
Still, I went to bed fairly early snd shook myself out of bed at 6 am, stumbling in the dark to get dressed and walk the dog.
Aside---This, by the way, is my 5th day of No Electricity, because my landlord can't be bothered to send an electrician. If it's not fixed today, I'll hire someone myself and bill the managment company. Furthermore, I am so damn pleased to be moving.
oh, also??? Pad and I got the apartment we wanted, a sweet 2-bedroom with living room, dining room, kitchen and walk-in pantry. The master bedroom is sunny and the laundry is just down the back stairwell, Dante will be mewling at birds from our 3rd story windows and Cormac will play fetch with me out on the lawn. The small bedroom is to be the computer-game-and-sewing room...when either Pad or I want to get our Nerdhobby on. ---/Aside
I don't think the Starbucks lady could have acted more disgusted when I ordered my 5-shot venti mocha this morning, but then again, she doesn't sit in an overwarm, silent office all day. Considering my tolerance to drugs, we should all be thankful caffine still gets me pumped enough without mixing in half a bottle of trucker pills.