Monday, February 18, 2008

Icing on the Cake

This weekend, I've broken up with my boyfriend of nearly a year and helped my friend deal with the sudden death of his 19-year-old niece. I nearly fainting giving blood and I haven't had a minute to take care of things I need to be comfortable. Today, the first time I've had free to do chores, checking my laundry, I find a note atop my dryer, where I've gathered some lint to toss out after my clothing is entirely dry (it's shedding season, and I have to clean the lint out like every 10 minutes). The note reads, in this line format:

Why is there never
a mess like this when
anyone else does laundry
clean up after

I wrote back:

"if you have a problem, leave your name or come speak to me in 102.
I'm ignoring any other passive-agressive anonymous notes.

-J Brooks"

too agressive?

in all fairness, my first draft was 'Fuuuuuuck. YOOOOOOOOOU.'


Crescent said...

The "?" part would have put me into freak out rage/crying/throwing things mode. What a BH that BH is. Hang in there.

Proxy said...


and for the record, my landlord posted my rent check TODAY, which just shows how totally on top of things the whole place is.

This note-writer is the same person who suggested I stop abusing my dog because he barked at night when we first moved in.


Kendragon said...

First off, what kind of see you next tuesday (I'm going Charlotte on ya) actually says something about abuse because of how YOUR pup barks (read as he does it playfully and every so friendly).

Secondly...want me to...ya know...make em disappear when I stay there? Cause I can do it. I'll put em in a box that will make him/her go to another dimension and mirrors won't be involved AT ALL.

I can do that.

I'm totally Ed Norton.

Proxy said...

Holy're going to curb them with your possible dual personality while pulling a heist and being a troubled priest?

...I believe I covered 6 movies there? I does rock.

Zombie Spiderman said...

Something else clever!

Sorry, I just felt the urge to contribute but you guys have it all covered, so I'll just sit here and be lame. :(

Proxy said... tried your best.

"additional generic cop compliment, Brian!"

Kendragon said...

You does rock but I only count five, and thats only if you count Italian Job along with The Score.

Don't you for a minute think I know less than you about my eddie poo.

Oh and I laughed at the Generic Compliment comment. Out loud. I can't freaking wait to see you.

J said...

American History X-curb
Italian Job-heist
The Score-heist
Fight Club-dual personality
Keeping the Faith-troubled priest
Primal Fear-dual personality/sightly priest-ish


Kendragon said...

See I didn't count primal fear for either cause he's not the priest and TECHNICALLY he doesn't have dual personalities, he's faking it (total spoiler...).

So...not pwned...?

J said...

Honey, you watch yourself before I Robert Paulson your ass.

Dennis Frymire said...

I remember when referring to "Ed Norton" meant referring to Ralph Kramden's upstairs neighbor on "The Honeymooners".


Proxy said...

see that, people?

Frymire is old.