I auditioned twice this weekend, for an improv show and a web sitcom (webcom? sit.com? Hmmm). I've been off the acting train for at least 6 months, and its been over a year since I last auditioned. I've missed it, and hopefully I'll hear back from one/both this week. If I had to choose between the two, however, I would go for the improv show. The audition was very fun, and the show itself is music-themed. I'm absolutely terrified of singing in public and don't like my voice; I'd welcome the chance to change my own mind.
Also got to spend some time with Pad, who is being just delightful. After breaking up for a while, and talking with him about his concerns on the matter, I'm cautiously optimistic. Hopeful, even. The fact is, he took steps such as bringing over his computer and air conditioner, spending most nights at my place, and dropping certain L-bombs without being entirely sure of his feelings toward me. Then he felt crowded, and guilty, and generally uncomfortable. I, in turn, saw him stepping back and called him out on it, because I have no internal monologue.
I, for one, would rather see him less, if it meant every time we hang out, he's been looking forward to seeing me. Actually, considering my current schedule, I probably couldn't see him much more than a few times a week, unless we were living together (and frankly I don't want to live with anyone right now, no matter how much I love them). Still, I'm very impatient. I nearly always have immediate, strong first impressions of people, I can't think of a single person I know that I DON'T know exactly how I feel about. With Pad, I have to remind myself that he's probably not as focused as I am on the status of EVERY SINGLE relationship in his life (like I am), he probably doesn't take every interaction to heart as a reflection of his worthwhile-ness and ultimate value (who does? me. mostly me.) and won't check in on my frame of mind nearly as much as I want to with his. In short, he's enjoying seeing me and spending time together. I'm skittish when I don't see him for a few days, but holding my shit together.
Jeeze. I make this whole thing sound terrible, and it's not. Despite being generally untrusting of happiness, I'm so so happy to be seeing him again. I hope he knows that.