Alan broke up with me for a number of reasons, but I think his biggest problem was my honesty. I think that's David's (my stepdad) biggest issue with me too. Mostly because my honesty includes telling people that when they're impolite, it makes me want to kill them. Or, say, when we have a 20 minute conversation and they can't remember my name at the end (god forbid they have the manners to ask) I'll call it out.
Or, for example, when I would rather hang out withOUT giving someone free sex, and they subsequently cancel plans to hang out at all, I calls it like I sees it: Asshole. Incredibly thoughtess and pigheaded.
On the other hand, can I give a big shout-out to Rebecca Grossman, who took the time to text me on June 3rd and led her support. Thank you, honey.
so yeah, honesty. It doesn't suck.
I'd like full disclosure on what the heck is in that picture
ah. That's my vitamins, which I accidently melted by turning on the wrong burner on my stove.
I'm not doing so well. That's the implied caption.
Eep! That sucks *hug*
for the record, non-assholes are in my life, including but not limited to: jess pad tim chris lisa lisa kendra mom dante cormac.
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