Those ass hats! Maybe it'll wind up being a good thing though, cause if they don't have enough work to keep great employees like you around then they're probably going down the tubes fast. I know it's a horrible consolation for a shitty situation, though. I'm so sorry sweets.
What's going on?
The projects are all finishing up and they didn't hire me as a full-time staff member, so I'm SOL, y'all.
I'll have two weeks with fulltime hours, then they're going to taper maybe 25 hours one week, 15 the next...
Those ass hats! Maybe it'll wind up being a good thing though, cause if they don't have enough work to keep great employees like you around then they're probably going down the tubes fast. I know it's a horrible consolation for a shitty situation, though. I'm so sorry sweets.
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