Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Fin. Al. Ly.

ok, got a battery charger, and started to DL my pictures from the last month or so. Many of these are from the zoo, since thjere were few kids around and lots of free, scream-less space to take pictures I can't take in the thick of stroller season. Tell me what you think.

Plotting evil...did you know the meerkat is second only to dolphins in fascinating playfulness? I took about 600 pictures of these guys, but he (above) is the only one who took me seriously. And I mean deadly serious.

Fish eating...lettuce? Mmm, strange feeding habits. Photoshop a human head in there for bonus points.

Hands down the coolest graffiti I've seen in real life.


A proud day for my Irish heritage.

Just TRY to tell me they're not secretly in love...

Reason #608 why I love this city.

This family had a wish...a polar bear sort of wish. But can polar bears touch our hearts without ripping them from our ribcages? Coming to theaters this Christmas.....

I was about 10 feet away. That spider was freakin' huge. Holy. Crap. Nightmare fodder.

Pygmy hippo action! I promise you this creature is fully natural and not anime-enhanced in any way.

1 comment:

Crescent said...

That meerkate (a typo that I'm leaving because I love it) is not effing around. I also am now secretly in love with your secretly in love cat/dog. They were totally just planning a make out sesh right before you took that. It's written all over their faces.