Thursday, March 27, 2008


Apparently I'll find out tomorrow.

Or, rather, I will be meeting with my boss to discuss "position updates and freelance options and yeah", as I recollect.

So. The next 20 hours will be devoted to interpreting that vague statement in the worst imaginable way; To assume i get fired, humiliated, and die.

See...that's how your brain works when you're chock-full of crazy. Fun, no?


A said...

i don't think crazy has anything to do with it... i would respond the same way... or does that mean crazy runs in the blood line?

Jesse said...

They'd be crazy not to take you. You are awesome!

Kendragon said...


Proxy said...

well...then i guess they're crazy. Bah.

Crescent said...

dying to know what happened.

Zombie Spiderman said...

Baby :(

Crescent said...

oh crap. I'm an ass. I didn't read all the comments. I'm sorry. That really really sucks. FOR THEM!!!!
