Did I mention that my BuFF girl Meredith lives in Hawaii? The world's cruelty shall never end.
I am about to kill simply everyone...so I'll do a mindless quiz to take the edge off. (I did not ruin the numbering..that was someone else.)
1. Would you rather have a girlfriend/boyfriend, or friends with benefits?
FwithB never works out equally for both people involved, and I'd rather know where i stand. Boyf please.
3. How have you felt today?
I want to go home and craft.
4. When was the last time you had butterflies?
over toast, this morning.
8. When was the last time you talked to your #2?
I do not talk to pooh. Whoever told you that is a very intuitive but untrustworthy bast*rd.
9. And why might that be?
Maybe I do. I tell my puppy what a clever genius he is when HE poohs. I have pets...pooh runs my life, ok? handle it.
10. Something you say often?
"Cat!!! Dog!!!!! What is your ish? who abuses you? Oh, I do? oh god no. POOR BABIES. "
11. Have you ever cried and didn't know why?
I could always find a reason why, foo, I have ovaries.
12. What are you wearing on your feet?
nothing but a smile, baby....wait....
13. Do you tend to fall for people easily?
14. Do you have plans for today?
Eating, laundry, dressing in warm clothes and bundling myself onto the couch.
15. Do you like your name?
It's like angels singing.
16. What color are your fingernails?
nothing but a smile...wait...dammit!
17. What person in your family are you the most like?
My family is all types of crazy and awesome. i couldn't bear to pick just one.
18. What kind of cell phone do you have?
Red and flippy.
21. Things you first notice about the opposite sex:
Voice, hands, manners.
22. Do you cry easily?
*sob* why do you ask?
23. Last time you were disappointed?
hoping for a snow-day this morning. no such luck.
24. Do you like being in pictures?
I like good pictures of myself, of which there are few. I also hate it when someone compliments a picture of me looking terrible...like really? is that the best i ever look? oh god.
26. Are you happy at the moment?
pretty much.
27. Would you kiss the last person you kissed?
...weird question. YES.
29. Do you have any piercings?
two in each ear and a nose stud that's all grown in and a belly ring.
30. Are you comfortable with answering personal questions?
31. Last time you fell down? Why?
never happened. I'm super graceful.
33. Who was the last person to call you?
citibank. I hate them.
34. What were you doing at 10 am?
work. also...work.
36. Last person who drove you somewhere?
Brett, who was acutely uncomfortable.
37. What do you hear right now?
air processing in the building. It's like we work under a river.
38. Who was the last person to wear your clothes?
Me, also the dog.
39. What is the first thing you did when you woke up?
hit the snooze button /genius.
40. What woke you up?
The anti-snooze alarm.
41. What was your last thought before going to sleep?
Snooze! no, actually probably something along the lines of 'that goodness I gave puppy a bath. Also, the cat has crazy amounts of body heat for a lil' guy.
42. Do you like fire?
Do you has enemy is flamable? I handles it.
43. What do you do when you had a bad day?
begrudge sharing my beauty with the world.
45. What was the last book you read?
reading His Dark Materials trilogy, nearly done.
46. Who was the last person you ran into unexpectedly?
47. Do you have a job?
yes. But I will accept offers.
48. What was the last thing you ate?
a bagel and like 8 pounds of tea.
50. Who do you talk to the most in your classes?
Um. I USED to talk with my sister by texting. God, I hate college.
52. What's the greatest thing that happened to you today?
totally didn't die yet.
54. Would you rather get up early or sleep in?
who choses the first option, seriously?
55. Tell me about the shirt you're wearing:
black. emo-tastic, I bet.
56. What would you change about your life right now?
car, apartment i own, another pup and cat, great job, a bling ring on my fing'.
57. Would you rather smile over a lie or cry over the truth?
.........so this is a no-win thing, huh?
59. Who's the last person (other than family) you got into an argument with?
probably Jess. but I'm sure he deserved it.
60. Do you trust people?
not in groups.
61. Do you like anybody right now?
tee hee giggle.
62. Who's the last text message you received from?
That grammar is so painful, I can't even consider answering, from?