Without disrespecting privacy, I'll just say that Alan and I broke up this weekend. Apparently he had a lot of issues that weren't likely to be resolved, so he took the mature route: lecturing me at midnight while I'm so sick I can barely sit, storming out, and calling the next day to end the relationship while proclaiming that he never wanted to see/hear from/whatever me again. Goodbye forEVER, was the message, if I recall correctly.
Of course, it's possible that I don't remember the situation perfectly. Considering I was throwing up the entire night before and had a fever of 101.5 when he called the next day. Maybe, just MAYBE, it wasn't the best time for me.
Really, when it comes down to brass tacks (tax?), I've been having a very very stressful few weeks. I know he has too, but if this is the greatest manners he can muster, it's a DAMN good thing I found this out now.
In any case, I'm at work, applying for other jobs under the radar, and I still have this damn fever. Or the remnants. Or maybe I'm still pissed. In any case, there is IS a certain heat (thanks for the literal translation of my plea, Lord) surrounding my head. I suggest no-one fuck with me today.
I'm calling you later tonight to discuss. But in the mean time I love ya and hope that that knowledge is a consolation for you.
looking forward to it.
I'm really just baffled at this point.
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