I have free time in the evenings and a job that fairly supports me. (now I just need to lower my rent a scootch. Just a scootch, y'all. Hee. Ssssscootch.)
I have unlimited talent amongst my friends.
I like watching shows alone, but am bored out of my mind with the typical Harold these days.
I want to flesh out my writing portfolio and have written proof that I write like super awesome. (<--This last sentence doesn't count.)
So I'm following through on plans I made a few years ago to try and see all the low-or-no rent shows in Chicago. The shows involving my friends and former classmates and pretty much anyone who drops me an email (and free ticket, hint hint). I'll write reviews and commentary, and share the wealth with anyone who wants feedback/recommendations/early warning.
Do I have a widely respected opinion? Will this process exhaust and eventually snuff me? Wait and see, gentle reader, wait and see.
*a disturbingly accurate likeness of the IO Midnight Jam audience. Hmm.