Sunday, December 30, 2007


This friday, JESS is coming into town, and not even for a whole improv festival...only one show, Saturday at midnight. I've known Jess since I started improv, 7-ish years ago, and I'm very excited for him to see my apartment, and puppy and cat and other proof that I am living well and happy in Chicago. He has a tendency to worry about me--about everyone, really, but me in particular--so positive proof that I'm not dying will ease his mind.

I just hope he doesn't spend the whole time we're at the theater talking with people about kids, and babies, and how he has kids and they have babies, and isn't it great how their baby can talk gibberish now, and my goodness, the daily quandries of child-care, etc. gross gross.

Saturday, December 29, 2007


Got a new, Arnie-inspired camera, and now I'm messing around with the new, high-def and cute pictures I can take. I'll try to include non-puppy individuals, occasionally, maybe.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Back to th' 2nd City

Tomorrow Mom, Robyn and I are getting a breakfast with the best pancakes in existence (drug-free lifestyle my ASS, those sweet round slices of heaven are heroin-style-deadly), getting cute, work-friendly outfits at the mall, an upgrade of my phone, and possibly some sweet sweet pig ears for Cassie and Jacob (with Ashley, in the photo).

They love pig ears so dearly...I hope and pray for the great fortune that the man I marry will love/desire/admire me as MUCH as those dogs do so pig ears.

I'm taking my meds again after a few conversations on the matter (and crying over a movie trailer...usually a good sign that I might want to chemically manage my brain). I'll have a few days off in Chicago to ease back into the routine, then I work on the 31st, don't work on the 1st, and then it's business as usual. This marks marks the first week, then, when I'll be back on meds and birth control AND working somewhere outside of retail. Holy goodness, I may not be secure in my life just yet, but I'm closer than ever.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


I got my sister The Illusionist for xmas, which I think far outstripped The Prestisge in the fantastic Old-Timey Magician Movie War of '06.

I'd just like to point out that this guy, the guy in the picture above me? I don't know his name, but i DO know, without a doubt, that if he's in a film, he's going to be handsome, cold, question the whimiscal nature of things, and screw over the heroine. And secretly, secretly, I will adore him and wish him well.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Day 2

I'm asking my parents for a new camera this christmas, although working for a Publisher, I won't be able to take pictures in my office...

Day 1 and 2 went fine. There are some setback, such as being stuck doing busy work for the first week. Everyone else is trying to get projects finished up before the week-long vacation (seriously, right?). Ironically, although I'm there specifically TO coordinate efforts of this nature, I'm also green, which means I have to learn all the programs and whatnot before I do anything fun. They're too busy to teach me to do things to help them to do less, to be perfectly clear.

My boss introduced me to the entire floor on the first day. It was a great thing to do, and I was flattered at how excited she was to have me there. Still, I hate shaking hands with people; It makes them instantly uncomfortable and me embarrassed. Today, an older man from a different floor spotted me in the lunch room and loudly proclaimed "Nice hand!" While holding out his own. De-fingered as well. Which, I'm sorry to say, creeps me out as much as it does a normie.* Some people would call such a gesture sweet or brave or something along those lines...but see, I was just more embarassed. Edging over towards mortified.

As for the picture above, I was going to go off on a tangent about how my crappy camera focused on the wall, not the flower, and the wall is symbolic of something hard and wall-like, and the flower is pretty and nice, etc., and how maybe I'm wall focused too, you get my point, and so on.

Really, I'm just hoping that my kids look normal, on the outside, tens and twos all around. That way people will at least have to get to know them a BIT before exposing a gaping hole of raw neurotic nerves. Nice hand INDEED.

*Did he expect delight? "Hey, great! Want to be cripple-hand friends forever? Look out world, look out hard!"

Friday, December 14, 2007

Seed Leaf

On Monday, I start my job at Publisher, working on a freelance basis. Of the three people I spoke to about getting this job, 100% also started out as freelance. So that's probably a good sign.

of course, instead of celebrating like I claimed I would be, I'm sitting at home chewing my fingernails to the quick. I had a dream last night that i went in for my first day, Boss greeted me at the door, brought me to a shareholder meeting to show them all how chubby I was getting, then fired me.

Why can't I just have warm, comforting delusions of grandeur?